Workshops for Advisory Councils
With Equal Step offers training and support to school councils at the elementary, middle and secondary levels. We give you the steps to effectively engage your families in the common goal of student achievement.
Workshops for Newcomer
and Community-Based Agencies
Family engagement in education should be championed in every space where we find families. With Equal Step helps agencies and community-based groups build the capacity of their families to support their children’s education - in school and at home.
All workshops include take-away materials for your parents. We can create a custom seminar to meet your needs.
Newcomer Parents
Min. 3 Workshops
2 Hours Each
This series of workshops will introduce newcomer parents to the Ontario school system. We tailor it to meet your community needs. Participants will learn how the system works, as well as a variety of paths for supporting their child by becoming a partner in their education. These workshops are helpful for every parent - not just newcomers.
(Currently available only in Toronto)
Report Cards & Parent-Teacher Conferences
2.5 Hours
How students are evaluated can be confusing. Report cards are even more of a puzzle. We look at provincial report cards to understand what information they provide. Then we teach parents how to use them to get the most from Parent Teacher Conferences. Being prepared results in better outcomes!
Family Engagement in Education
2 Hours
Parents are their children’s first teacher. When the child begins school we wonder what is the family role in education? This workshop looks at ways that parents may support learning at home and become a partner with their school. It’s all about student achievement.
Planning for the Future
2 Hours
Every family has hopes for their child’s future. We help parents understand the options available at all levels and how to “plan backwards”. We give them the tools to work with their child as they think about careers and how to get there. It’s never too early to prepare for the future!
Identification, Placement & Review Committees (IPRCS) - Just the Facts
2 Hours
The teacher says that your child “has issues”. But you have no idea what this means for them or you. This workshop equips you with the information you’ll need should your child be faced with the possibility of going to IPRC. Learn what about IPRCs, what should happen at the meeting and how to make an IEP work for you and your child.
Effective Advocacy Strategies for Parents
2 Hours
Building partnerships is important when advocating for our children. What can be done when roadblocks get in the way? If things are not going as planned, how can you advocate successfully and maintain good relationships with key people in the school? This workshop will provide you with the basic information and tools to set you on your way. Become an effective advocate for your child, while building partnerships inside and outside the school.
500 Terry Francois Street, SF, CA 94158